Last Friday nite, sy dpt invitation from Celcom, well actually bkn sy yg dpt. My sbf punya brother, Ilham yg dpt. Tp he couldn't make it, so dia suruh my sbf pergi. And seperti biasa sylah mengekornya. It was Harith Iskandar Nationwide Live Comedy Tour..so inilah masanya nak gelak berdekah-dekah..hahaha.....
Dpt 2 free tickets to Harith Iskandar Show on 12 Dec 2008 at KLCC Convention Centre.
Well, all Celcom Premier Invitation comes with a free cocktail kat Mandarin Oriental Hotel.
I'm having fun drinking and eating all the way..hehehe...

X ramai sgt..yg pakai blazer itam tudung biru tu org Celcom..
Lots of free food...
Tp tgk dorang dressing up cam nk gi dinner..sy n my sbf..hehehe..jeans je..
After that we headed to the Plenary Hall, KLCC Convention Centre...
Org x ramai lg time nih....lepas tu full house beb!!

Me n my sbf....

Well, the show starts with Douglas Lim, the opening act. Hahaha..sy gelak x hengat punya. Pastu continue with Harith Iskandar..mmg lawak seh. Pecah perut gelak. Smpi batuk-batuk terbelahak. Hahaha..show abis kat kul 11.30 lebih. Balik umah mkn maggi in the cup. Kt cocktail party tu sy x mkn byklah. Hehehe..thanxs Ilham for the free tickets. It was a so hilarious and funny all the way!! Ada satu rahsia nk share ngan u all...sebenarnya me n my sbf
Digi user..hahahaha...gelak syaiton...hahahaha...
awatla tak makan masa tu...dah balik kene makan maggi pulak...rugi2...
best erk dpt mkn free...awat x bedal abis2an? kekeke...
Main2 jer tau...
eedany: adik jauh..kalo dkt ada lebih mesti kasi pyer...
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