Happy Birthday To Me....
Happy Birthday To Me....
Happy Birthday To Me....
Happy Birthday To Me....
My wish..today..is just this...

..a clean n healthy environment without cigarettes' smoke..at least today....31st May..hehehe..
A Women
Mecca..1 day..insyaAllah...
My fav place...
Shopping Mall...
My fav colour... Lilac...eh..cantiknyer PSP colour ni kan?
My fav food... Tomyam..pedas2 tau..
My fav drink... Coffeelah..hehehe..
My fav movie... U jump..i jump...cewah..7 kali tgk ni..kat panggung..giler syiok!!
I was born... in Kuala Lumpur
I live at... Bangsar tau..bukan dlm Bangsar Village tu..kihkihkih..
My hobby is... Reading...
I want...
I would like to tag...
X moh tag sesapa..lgpun ramai yg dh buat ni.
Tag yg lg satu ni dari mummyzara a.k.a. yati. Punyalah ramai org yg dia tag. Dipersembahkan...
A. Snap the picture of both inner and outer of your purse
B. Introduce your purse brand, price & where you buy.
Brand: Chevy
Price: RM50 ++ kot tp org lain byrkan..hehehe..
Where: Tesco Ampang
C. Take out whatever its inside your purse.
Mykad & Kad Nikah..yg dh nk koyak..isshh..bila nk laminate blk nih..
Ada kad gesek...org byk utang nih..sbb tu byk card credit..huhuhu..
Ada kad atm, Tesco, Hinode, Jusco & Bizzibody
Ada duit..hubby bru bg pg td kena gi beli susu anak2..hehehe..++ syiling...
D. Tagged other persons.
Xde mood nk tag sesapa...korang2 suma selamat.
- The End -