Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy Birthday & Happy Teacher's Day!!

Salam pagi semua...mula2 skali nk wish Happy Birthday to My Boss...the CEO...handsome, tall n single..although dah ada belum kahwin kan so still availablelah. Moga boss happy2 selalu..n jgn lupa bg bonus kt sy tau!! Kehkehkeh...dia x baca saja je nk wish..hehehe..

Thank You, Teacher

Thank you, skillful teacher,
For teaching me to be
A stronger, smarter person,

Thank you, favorite teacher
For acting like a friend,
And taking time to show me,
Lessons hard to comprehend.

Thank you for your caring
And lots of other stuff;
For all the things you gave me,
I can’t thank you enough.

By Joanna Fuchs

And also a big thanks to all Teachers. Happy Teacher's Day tomorrow!! Jasa dan pengorbanan kalian amat berharga dan kalianlah insan murni yg mendidik anak bangsa menjadi orang yg berguna. Kalianlah pendidik, kalianlah segala-galanya.

P/S: Hari ni sibuk sketlah..nti kalo ada masa sy blogwalking and put up some new n3 ye. Take care!! Luv u all...n have a a nice weekend!!


hapi besday tuk boss dee dan slamt ari guru.
happy birthday la k.dee bonus lebih sket..bleh la dia belanja weols next mth..ahaks!

best la plak poem teachers day tu!
Dee finee nak copy poem tu, best la, happy teacher's day
salam dee..:D

ingat akak lagi x??..huhuhu..akak kembali dek!!..ekekeke..

wpun akak bukan che'gu tp abg akak che'gu dee..hehehe..tumpang vangge buleh???ekekee..
zana: thx..

mummyaeesh: btul2..dpt bonus blanja awk..

finee: to mr google and joanna fuchs..

eja: selamat kembali..boleh ajer..
tetiba teringat cikgu cikge yg prnh mengajar kite...
rindunye alam skolah...
happy teacher's day to me tooooo...

have a great weekend :)
boss, make sure bagi dee bonus baeeeekkkk nye :D leh dia banjer i hehehehehe...

hepi teachers day to all teachers..satu keje yg mulia kan sis..
gmbo bos tade ke...expose la skit..
wahhh bos single lagik??ada can la nih?muahahahaha!!letak la pic bos akak...huhu
moga boss ko baca en3 nie...

selamat hari guru gak...
hepi besday mr. Boss!
buh laa pic ur encem bos tu...hiksss
husna: rindukan..

ummibatrisya: selamat hari guru ye ummi..

rasp: harap2 dia dgrlah ckp u sis!!

neeza: gf dia model..sat lg dia lepuk i kang..hehehe..

kojah: xleh2..dia org penting..harus sorok2..hahaha..

kulna: xleh..nti dia kata aku x buat keje..kihkihkih..

lily: nti2 i curi2 eh..gambar passport x ensem..
happy bday boss.. bg la dee bonus bebanyak ye, boley dia belanja kitorg.. he he he

selamat hari guru.. pada sumer cekgu cekgi.. :D