Kena tag lagi..kali ni dari ciare...
1. 3 names in your Inbox cellphone?
1. Abang...hubby sebenarnya...hehehe..
2. My sbf...
3. boss...
2. Your main ringtone?
Lagu digi..switch to's so easy...gitulah..
3. What u did at 12 last nite?
Sidai kain...
4. Who was the last person u went out with? Where?
My a wedding at Puchong..
5. The color of the shirt you're wearing? Now?
Baju kurunglah..not shirt..Light black n green...
6. The last thing u did?
Baca suma emel yahoo yg dh lama dlm inbox..huhuhu..
7. 3 of your everyday favorite items?
1. Bancuh air nescafe
2. Ronda blog..
3. YM...hehehe...
8. The color of your bedroom?
Light yellow and purple...separated by wall paper yg tecik tu..dari kawin x tukar2 pun cat..dh 5 tahun tu...ish..ish...bila nk tukar ni ek?
9. How much money in your wallet now?
RM47....tolong weh..dh kayap ni..huhuhu...
10. How's life?
Oklah kot..better than before..
11. Your favourite song?
If you're not the one by Daniel Beddingfield....n byk lagi...
12. What will u do next weekend?
Gi muzium negara bwk mimi n fifi nk jumpa my sbf nyer anak2 buah...mesti best!!
13. When was the last time you saw your mom?
14. Where is she now?
Dh meninggal dunia...sedih...
15. When was the last time you talked to your parents? father lak passed away...sedih..huhuhu...
16. Who is the last person that texted u?
My sbf...dia tolong transfer duit top up..hehehe..thx ye...
17. Where did you have your dinner last night?
Kat umah je..
18. The last surprise you got?
Xde surprise pun..nan ado...
19. Last thing you borrowed from your friends?
Duit topuplah...hehehe..5 inggit je..
20. Who is ur bf/gf or husband/wife?
Mr R....bukan nama sebenar...
21. What do you feel now?
22. Wanna share with who?
23. Who knows your secret?
My sbf and a couple of friends..
24. They keep your secret?
25. Are you angry with someone?
26. What do you order at McD?
Double Cheeseburger...Banana Pie...Sundae...n my list will go on u know...
27. The last time you felt so sad?
3 weeks ago...damn sad...i don't wanna be in that kind of situation anymore..
28. What is your wish for tomorrow?
A happy life...hopefully...
29. Wish to tag......rasp, aqish, ell, nani choc n finee...kalo dh buat xyahlah buat eh. Selamat menjalankan tugas masing2...
Menu Berbuka Puasa Ramadhan Ke 27
1 hour ago
dee, same laa kite, org kate buang tebiat sidai kain malam2 bute, tapi tu lee tugas n rutin ibu bekerja cam kite ni kan hu hu hu
psst kak dee ti amik award kat blog kf ok yg piala tue hik3 hati2 takut x larat nk lekat kat blog ..hahaa bye..
p/s: basuh baju seminggu sekali je
dah2 jgn sesedih lagi okek..meh kita gumbira sama2...yok..get a better and happy life..keke...
uiks namaku diseru rupanya :D
ell kene gak ekk.ok incik no problemo..:P
lieya: nk buat camana kan lieya tulah tugas yg kena settlekan..
khas: bukan tiap2 mlm khas...
kf: nti akak amik ye..mekacih..
neeza: ko dh kena tag ngan ciarelah..
kty: samalah kita..
zam: anak dua zam..sorang baju pakai 3 pasang sehari...ko fikirkanlah..
nani: bila kala ko tukar nick ni woi..
rasp: org bekerja gitulah..
kulna: kuikuikui..
ell: sy kalo kt kg pun x dok apt terang benderang..
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