Monday, July 16, 2012

Inspiring Quotes

Half true..coz I think I'm the one in the mirror..hahaha.  But, few of my colleagues were exactly like the above pic.  They are slim but they thought that they are fat.  Confusing..huhu.  Will blogwalk today...wait for my appearance in your comment box ok...hehehe.


Nice quote... Kenkadang pada kita buruk..pada orang lain elok jer...
sumtimes it's better for us to think less of ourselves
in order for us to improve for the better kannnn...
rather than we think great bout ourselves
but in reality we suck big time hehehehehe...
sbb tu pandangan kawan2 kene amik kire jugak....tapi tu laa...bab gemuk kurus ni adoi laa sensitip ni heheehehh
wow.. speaking londonnnn akak ku sorg neh...
The truth is...i am the person in the mirror...huaaaaa..but always think that i am the person outside the bad...
kalau saya, sesuai letak buah tembikai kot dalam cermin tu..ahahaha
kna sentiasa positif..
isu gemuk/kurus mmg sensitif pantang kna tegur skit cpt2 tgk cermin..
Bagus sgt quote nie.. tapi kalau tgk pada gambar nie.. ades..sure laa myself tegolong dlm yg cermin tuh.. tak de maknanyaa perasan kurus..hehehe.. :)
Melihat ke dalam diri..
kalau bab kurus gemuk, pandangan saya terhadap diri sama dengan apa yang orang tengok.. kekeke... *stressnya tiap kali orang komen "kenapa makin kurus ni?"